- Maryland Summer Camps, Children's Day Camps & Kid's Overnight Camps - http://www.maryland-summercamps.com -

River Valley Ranch (RVR)

River Valley Ranch (RVR), a summer camp in Maryland, allows campers to enjoy a myriad of activities including: Adventure activities, Paintball, Horseback riding, Theatre, Traditional Sports, and more. There are three main sleep away camp facilities on the 560 acre camp in Carroll County Maryland. Arrowhead Woods, for campers between the ages of 7 and 9; Fort Roller, for children between the ages of 9 and 12, and Frontier Town, for students ages 12 to 17. Each week of overnight camp runs from Sunday afternoon until Friday evening.

RVR also hosts a Day Camp on property for ages 4-10. Activities vary based on age group but may include horseback riding, zip line, river romp, pool games, field games, gym time, and more.

RVR also runs RVR OUTPOST Camps in locations along the east coast. Currently there are OUTPOST camps in DC, Baltimore, and Philadelphia. We bring the camp experience to you!

Come enjoy a week of fun that will create lifelong memories.

RVR is outdoor learning facility for schools in the Spring and Fall.

Click on the website above for more info.